Unlocking Student Stories That Drive Enrollment
When: March 25, 2025 - Noon EST
Our Webinars are FREE and typically run about 45-minutes.
"Stories are 22 times more memorable than facts alone." - Jennifer Aaker, Stanford Graduate School of Business
Stories are crucial to school marketers, but how do you create a system that will allow you to unlock real student stories that will leave a lasting impression on prospective families? Matt Soule will outline a process that has been used by the entertainment industry for years to uncover memorable stories that will demonstrate the true value of your School. The best news? You do not need to be an expert video producer to tell these stories, because they can be told at live events, in print pieces, on a blog, and more. Angie Ward from Enroll Media Group, will then dive into 5 ways you can be leveraging your newly created assets to drive awareness and build enrollment.