Enroll Media Group Blog

Four Ways Schools Can Optimize Their Target Audience for LinkedIn Ads

  May 29, 2024 6:30:00 AM / by Ryan Devito


As one of the most trusted social media platforms, it’s no surprise schools are leaning into LinkedIn Ads to support enrollment and fundraising efforts. There are several components to a successful LinkedIn Ads campaign, but defining and refining your target audience is the foundation for building a successful strategy to ensure you deliver the right message at the right time to the right person. 


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How to Secure Your School’s Marketing Accounts

  Feb 20, 2024 6:30:00 AM / by Katie Bero


Are your Google and social media accounts secure? Do you have a transition policy in place? Social media and marketing tools are constantly evolving, and as employees take time off or move to new positions, it's easy for account access to become unclear. Here are essential tips to ensure your school implements best practices for account security.


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Prepare Your School for Google’s AI Search

  Dec 12, 2023 6:45:00 AM / by Alec Wall

Earlier this year Google introduced an experimental AI search feature called Search Generative Experience (SGE)  via its Labs platform. Combining traditional Google Search with a conversational function similar to Microsoft's ChatGPT or Bing's Copilot, SGE uses AI to synthesize information from the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) into an easily digestible summary at the top of the page, and allows the user to ask follow-up questions directly within Google Search.


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How to get your school ready for Google Analytics 4

  Jun 1, 2023 6:30:00 AM / by Angie Ward

With all the discussion around Google Analytics 4 (GA4) over the last year, and the impending July 1, 2023 deadline, school marketers may be starting to panic, but don’t.

Here’s what you need to know to ensure your school has a plan to tackle this major analytics change.


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Should My School Run Bing Ads?

  Mar 28, 2023 7:30:00 AM / by Angie Ward

Incorporating Bing Ads into a comprehensive digital marketing strategy is becoming increasingly popular among private schools.

If your school is looking to increase qualified traffic to your website to grow your inquiries, here’s why you should consider running search ads on Bing.


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6 Free Google Tools that Schools Should Be Using

  Jan 10, 2023 7:15:00 AM / by Angie Ward

While there are dozens of free digital marketing tools available from Google, school marketers have a lot on their plate and can’t be expected to master them all. We narrowed it down to the top 6 that we recommend: Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, UTM Codes, Google Search Console, Google Trends, and Google Business Profile. 

Here are the most beneficial ways schools can leverage these free Google tools effectively to maximize their digital marketing ROI.

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What Happened to My School's Google Reviews?

  Dec 1, 2021 10:18:00 AM / by Angie Ward

You may be one of the many schools wondering what happened to Google Reviews. Many organizations, including schools, are experiencing a range of issues as it relates to users being able to review a business. This poses a challenge for schools that use Google Reviews as a way to manage their brand and communicate with prospective and current families.

So what happened to Google reviews for schools?


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How to manage your school’s online reviews - The Dos & Don'ts

  Dec 2, 2019 9:00:00 AM / by Angie Ward

Is your school dealing with a persnickety review or low star rating? It can be challenging to keep up with various ways in which prospective families are searching for, and learning about your school online while understanding which of those ratings really matter. For better or worse, the reality is that online reviews are part of the equation for every stage of the funnel -- from the initial discovery and inquiry, to deciding whether to visit, apply, and ultimately enroll -- key considerations are being made by adults who rely on the internet for a large source of information. 


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My K-12 Google Brand Account is Suspended. What Now?

  Sep 3, 2019 10:04:42 AM / by Jake Youmell

As of July 10, 2019, Google announced that they were discontinuing support of K-12 G-Suite users in Brand Accounts, a service that was originally created by Google to help organize Google products associated with a brand (or in our clients’ cases, their school).

At EMG, all of our clients and partners are working with Google products in some capacity. As a result, we have prepared the following resources as a quick guide to help you navigate these changes, if your school is impacted.

UPDATE – As Google's deadline of November 1, 2019, has passed, Brand Accounts that were not granted an extension by their school’s G Suite administrator have now been deleted. Please reference Google's page devoted to the K-12 Brand Account Suspension topic, and we will post any further updates here as well! 



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